Thursday, September 27, 2012

Here We Go Again ,

Do not be shocked ! You definitely wrote the same and correct address that brought you to my blog. Since this blogger site showed all those pageviews, overviews and some other things that I am not fond of, I decided to make a new one. Whenever I logged in, it was reported people were reading things that I posted 3 years back. Why would you do that ? Haha ! And while I am still writing this, I just got few pageviews haha whoever you are, hello there ! :)

All the things that I wrote back then were extremely annoying. I am truly embarrassed with myself. I did not delete it but I made it as my personal blog instead since it was my first blog. Might read the old posts whenever I am bored from now on while laughing at myself  !

I'll change the header later. It sounds so silly but that was the first thing that crossed my mind.

I'll try to write more soon, hopefully. Whenever I have some things which are actually good and worth to be written and shared. Till then, I'm trying to spend my last few days with the family with smiles on my face. Notice the word trying ?

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